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XPath is prone to injection attacks due to the following features:

  • doc() and json-doc() read XML and JSON from local files or the network and let you join on them.
  • unparsed-text() reads plain text files from the network or local files and dumps their content.
  • environment-variable() lists and reads shell environment variables (a good reason not to put secrets there).
Matthias #

On Reddit there is currently a discussion going on about the newly written Haskell committee guidelines for respectful communication. There’s nothing new about it—one side saying it’s long overdue, another saying it’s the usual overly draconian, one-sided snowflake nonsense, with little more nuanced commentary in between.

Now, I haven’t read the document being discussed nearly carefully enough and from the cursory look I’ve given it, it actually looks like one of the better ones that I can find little to disagree with in, so I’ll not be commenting on it specifically. But I do have an opinion on codes of conduct like it in general and I’ll make use of its wording to illustrate it (in part because it feels like such an okay code of conduct to me, all things considered).

So let’s look at codes of conduct in more generality.

In my opinion, while their goals are clearly noble and worthy of support, the concrete regulations stipulated in such documents often go way overboard and, if implemented, can be harmful and unfair to the parties involved.

To illustrate why, take the following statement the document linked above makes:

In our communication, we consistently honour and affirm the … good intentions of others.

Which sounds very reasonable. But then contrast it with this part:

Our response should usually be to apologise … Even if we feel we have been misinterpreted or unfairly accused, the chances are good there was something we could have communicated better …

There is an apparent contradiction here depending on how you read the word “should.” Under the assumption that person B accuses person A of insulting them, should we:

  1. assume that person A had only good intentions and therefore there is no need to apologize, or
  2. assume that person A is obliged to apologize because if in doubt, person B was probably right that person A said something wrong?

I think the fundamental problem lies in the three different forms that the communication in question takes and the nontrivial mappings between them:

                               ┌────┐  ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓   ┌────┐                   
╔═══════════════════╗          │g[B]│  ┃              ┃   │f[A]│                   
║realm of expression║         ┌┴────┴──┃ what is said ┃◀─┴────┴┐                  
╚═══════════════════╝         │        ┃              ┃         │                  
                              │        ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛         │                  
                              ▼                                │                  
                       ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━┳───────────┐       ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━┳───────────┐
╔═══════════════════╗  ┃  what is   │ Person B  │       ┃  what is   │ Person A  │
║ realm of meaning  ║  ┃ understood ┣───────────┘       ┃  intended  ┣───────────┘
╚═══════════════════╝  ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━┛                   ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━┛            

If what was said causes person B to be offended, do you automatically assume that what was intended was an offense? Or do you assume that if person A maintains that they did not mean to offend, do you completely discount what was understood? Is either extreme reasonable? Clearly not. Hence the contradictory phrasing in the document.

What you need to realize to untangle this mess is that both f and g are dependent on both the person executing them and the situation that they are in at the moment they do so (which I’m going to simplify notationally by assuming that the situation is a part of the person). With this realization we can now rephrase the problem:

How much responsibility do we put on person A to anticipate g[B] for any given person B?

Clearly we cannot expect person A to anticipate g[B] for all possible B in a discussion on a public mailing list, since the space {g[B] | B ∈ Audience} is, for all intents and purposes, infeasible to compute when Audience is sufficiently large. On the other hand it is also obvious that if what is said is in the context of a face-to-face meeting between two individuals who know each other well, the challenge is much simpler and we can expect person A to be more considerate of what they can reasonably expect person B to understand based on what they express.

(What people will actually do in practice when they do not know the audience well is to substitute B := A, which may seem overly simplistic, but is really as good an approximation as any when Audience = World.)

In practice, what this means is that as an outside observer C, the wise thing to do is probably to assume both that:

  1. when evaluation person B’s conduct, the only correct way to interpret what was said is in the most malevolent way reasonably interpretable, and
  2. when evaluating person A’s conduct, the only correct way to interpret what was said is in the most benevolent way reasonably interpretable.

Which results in the contradiction mentioned previously. As far as I know, there is no way to resolve it, so all we can do is accept it.

A macOS app that enables chat-app-style Emoji shortcuts (such as :rocket: for 🚀) everywhere. Pretty useful.

A library of Java annotations that you can use to document the DDD roles of your classes and packages.

Fast persistent data structures for Rust.

RBB trees for vectors, HAMTs for hash maps, the usual good stuff.

Matthias #

Zulip is ridiculous.

Here are the biggest RAM eaters in my Kubernetes cluster, all of which are pretty much completely idle right now:

NAME            CPU(cores)   MEMORY(bytes)
gerrit          5m           315Mi
keycloak        3m           440Mi
mulkcms2        2m           325Mi
zulip           31m          2698Mi

Remember, Keycloak is built on top of JBoss.

Let that sink in for a bit.

What’s going on there? Well, Zulip consists of 20 microservices. It’s the modern way.

Matthias #

How to switch from Docker to Containerd on a kubeadm-managed Kubernetes node:

  1. Install Containerd.

  2. Edit /etc/default/kubelet and add the following line:

    KUBELET_EXTRA_ARGS=--container-runtime=remote --runtime-request-timeout=15m --container-runtime-endpoint=unix:///run/containerd/containerd.sock

    If KUBELET_EXTRA_ARGS exists already, add the additional parameters to it instead.

  3. Restart kubelet.

  4. Uninstall Docker.

  5. To make kubeadm aware of the change (so that kubeadm upgrade apply works): Let ${NODE_NAME} be the name of your node. Run:

    kubeadm edit nodes/${NODE_NAME}

    Look for the annotation. Change its value to /run/containerd/containerd.sock.

Now everything should be set up for Containerd and you can do such fun things as running Kubernetes pods in Kata containers.

Presumably, these instructions will work for a migration to CRI-O and other container runtimes as well, but I have not tried.

A new, official way of building executable überjars based on WildFly. Yay Enterprise!

Perfect for when you need a full EE environment like WildFly and Quarkus doesn’t cut it. In a JSF app, for example.

The trick is that you can pull the non-generic parts out into separate functions. That way they don’t need to be monomorphized and can be shared between the various monomorphizations of your generic function. Surprisingly, this even works when the shared part is an inner function.

Ein Interview mit einem Kinderarzt.

Punkte sind unter anderem:

  • CO2 ist zu klein, um von einer Stoffmaske aufgehalten zu werden. O2 natürlich erst recht. Das merkt man schon daran, daß unter eine Stoffmaske viel weniger Luft paßt, als man selbst mit einem einzigen Atemzug aufnimmt.
  • Erhöhte CO2-Sättigung oder verringerte O2-Sättigung des Bluts würde im Zweifelsfalle eine Panikreaktion des Gehirns auslösen. Daher bliebe so etwas wohl kaum unbemerkt.

A programming language fit for witches and warlocks. Concatenative and full of dark magic.

Just because I’m not following the true path, doesn’t mean I can’t get it to work.

Riots and COVID19-induced massive mail-in voting could give state governments and legislatures an excuse to refuse to certify the election in their states. In that case, neither candidate could reach the quorum, making the selection of the president go to the House, with one vote per state. Trump could win the presidency legally again this way even if he would have lost by regular means.

A new nuclear fusion reactor. Apparently, everyone agrees that it has the potential to output more energy than is needed to run it. It has a smaller plasma and a stronger magnetic field holding it in place with a new kind of magnet. Otherwise it is a conservative design.

Seine Argumente sind:

  • Alle Präpositionen landen mit der Zeit bei einem Raumkasus (Dativ, Akkusativ, Ablativ etc.). Wegen ist das klassische Beispiel im Deutschen: ursprünglich ein Adverb, hat es sich im allgemeinen Sprachgebrauch zu einer Präposition entwickelt und regiert den Dativ.
  • Das Wesen des Genitivs ist es, aus einem Nomen ein Attribut zu machen. Alles andere Gerede davon, welche Interpretation des Genitivs die ursprüngliche oder wesentliche sei, ist unhaltbar.
  • Es gibt nur eine kleine endliche abschließende Liste von Präpositionen in jeder Sprache, aber Genitiv-Konstruktionen kann man beliebig bilden.

In Bezug auf das letztere Argument fällt mir auf, daß es wirklich eine Parallelität zu geben scheint zwischen:

Des Lärms wegen sind wir weggezogen.


Des Lärms überdrüssig sind wir weggezogen.

Im einen Falle soll es sich aber um eine Präpositionalphrase und im anderen um ein Adverbiale handeln – warum eigentlich?

Es gibt da auch einen ganz klaren Unterschied zu einem Satz wie:

Wir sind aus der Stadt weggezogen.

Denn die Präpositionalphrase aus der Stadt bindet viel stärker an das Verb, ist also ein wesentlicherer Teil des Prädikats, als in beiden Fällen oben. Man muß sich nur jeweils vorstellen, den jeweiligen Teil auszulassen, und kann leicht sehen, daß hier die Bedeutung des Satzes weiter vom ursprünglichen Sinn wegwandert als dort.

So weit klingt das alles ganz überzeugend.

Auf der anderen Seite habe ich aber auch das Gefühl, daß der Autor denselben Fehler macht wie er ihn anderen vorwirft, nämlich mit Definitionen und Begriffen zu argumentieren, ohne sie jemals extrinsisch zu definieren. Nun nennt er aufgrund also ein Adverb und aus eine Präposition, aber wo genau besteht der Unterschied? Ohne das jemals ordentlich zu definieren und voneinander abzugrenzen, bleibt der Erkenntnisgewinn zumindest auf meiner Seite leider sehr begrenzt.

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