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Das fällt einem Netzbetreiber jetzt plötzlich auf, nachdem das Bundesverfassungsgericht die Schuldenbremse scharfgestellt hat.

Warum nicht gleich so? Weil „Proteste und Klagen von Anwohnern und Landschaftsschützern“ wichtiger waren als Kosten. Klar, wenn so ein wohlhabender Vorstadthausbesitzer herumjammert, dann ist es es natürlich wert, dass dafür jeder von uns (Kinder und Rentner eingeschlossen) € 200 zahlt. Hauptsache, die Sicht auf die Berge und den See ist nicht behindert.

Wenn ich der Staat wäre, ich würde mich nicht von so einem Gequengel 20 Mrd. Euro in die Höhe treiben lassen, sondern ein Gesetz erlassen, das Anwohnern und Landschaftsschützern die Klagebefugnis nimmt. Dafür würde ich ihnen großzügig das Recht einräumen, den Aufpreis für unterirdische Leitungen in ihrer Gegend selbst zu zahlen. Dann würde sich schnell zeigen, wieviel es ihnen wirklich wert ist.

C, C++, Rust, and CUDA build cache. Also supports distributed builds and the GitHub Actions cache.

A version number management tool based on conventional commits with support for monorepos.

X11 RDP server. Supports drive mounts and audio redirection.

Matthew Yglesias makes the point that the United States would be wise to grow in population so it stays relevant and strong.

Matthias #

Dealing with the population crisis

Here is a set of political positions that, even though they go together naturally, in combination will offend everyone, both left and right:

  1. Most of the developed world aligned with the West, including Western Europe and the United States, suffers from a fertility crisis. This is bad. We need more people if we want to (1) stay at the top of the world order rather than drop to the bottom and be dominated by bigger players and (2) keep our national economies going and continue to produce more prosperity.
  2. Therefore, we need more immigration. This is emphatically not limited to highly skilled workers, but includes low-skill, less productive immigration, too. After all, we need both more production capacity and a bigger market, and each additional person helps with both (unless they are very old or sick, but those tend not to be the people who like to migrate anyway).
  3. At the same time we have to reward people for producing more offspring. This very likely means that significantly more resources need to be diverted from singles and single-child families to families with 2 or more children, so much so that not starting a family early on is taxed substantially. This will be a regression in both personal freedom and gender equality, but lead to a much-needed recovery of fertility.

People as different as Robin Hanson and Matthew Yglesias have written about the topic – not necessarily in the way I summarized it above – but I have yet to see a party platform that incorporates all of it in combination.

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