โ€œThe C++ interactive interpreter cling is based on LLVM and its C++ frontend clang. It will replaces ROOT’s current C++ interpreter CINT. The advantages over CINT are:

  • Production-grade parser.
  • Just-in-time compiler (JIT), allowing e.g. calls into libraries without wrappers. This reduces the dictionary size dramatically.
  • Modular C++ API from the ground up; simplified maintenance.
  • Separate parser and execution engine.
  • C++ 11 support through clang.

โ€œWe have announced cling to the public in 2011. cling is in a very usable state; bugs should be reported to the ROOT project here. We are currently working on the integration of cling into ROOT, i.e. replacing CINT. This work is expected to be released as ROOT 6 end of 2012.

โ€We have installation instructions, both for a stand-alone version of cling and for cling as part of ROOT. There is a list of work items for cling integration into ROOT.โ€