Multi-threaded executors frequently just make things complicated. Use a local executor so you do not have to make everything Sync
and Send
A curated list of widely used Rust libraries.
Adds additional bounds (such as Send
) to Rust methods returning impl traits (including async fn
A book on the Gears library.
Another Scala 3 library for direct-style asynchronous programming. Made for today (whereas Gears is made for the future). Targets the JVM only.
A (research) Scala 3 library for direct-style asynchronous programming. Supports both the JVM and Scala Native.
Lists of books and movies, graded by language difficulty. Japanese, Korean, German, Spanish.
A wiki with pointers to comprehensible input in many languages.
Comprehensible input – input that you can comprehend but is still difficult enough to be challenging – is what you need for language acquisition.
How to use gene drives to eradicate diseases.
It is to WebAssembly as TypeScript is to JavaScript.
A strongly-typed programming language that targets WebAssembly.
A native code compiler for Python that uses type hints for optimization.
An optimizing compiler for Python.
A community fork of the defunct software forge Phabricator.
A less centralized Nix.
A simple code editor for the Mac.
On being a systems programmer.
By James Mickens.
A mistake even some economists make.
On the importance of property rights and how to think as an economist.