Benki → Lazy Chat

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Matthias #
(defn fix [f]
  (let [p (promise)]
    (deliver p (f p))
Matthias #

MetaPost ist das Perl der Bildbeschreibungssprachen.

Matthias #

Jemand hat nginx gepatcht, um es WebID-fähig zu machen.

Matthias #

The fear of strange ideas, the impulse to conformity, has no doubt warned many potential victims away from flying-saucer cults. When you’re out, it keeps you out. But when you’re in, it keeps you in. Conformity just glues you to wherever you are, whether that’s a good place or a bad place.

Eliezer Yudkowski: Cultish Countercultishness

funktioniert..also los..anstoß 3

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