Benki → Bookmarks

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A library to compile C or C++ code within a Rust Cargo project.

While the Corona-Warn-App on Android is open source and free, it uses the Exposure API, which is provided by the Google Mobile Service (GSM). Hence, the Corona-Warn-App cannot be used on a Google-free android, e.g. LineageOS without Google Services. CoraLibre tries to reimplement the Exposure API and create a libre version of the Corona-Warn-App. There’s been significant progress reimplementing base functionality of the Exposure API using unit testing. The Corona-Warn-App hasn’t been adapted yet. It looks like, this will take some more time.

EhonNavi is a website where you can read lots of Japanese children’s books for free, but only once each.

This page lists the books sorted by recommended reading age and lets you record which ones you have read already.

The Japanese–German dictionary. I used to use it with gjiten back in the day, but nowadays you can just use the website and it will even do deinflection for you (if you ask it to).

Did you know that you used to be able to count to 99,999 with Japanese numbers in Classical Japanese? (Nowadays they don’t really work past 10 and you have to use Chinese numbers instead.) This page lists them all. Well, the ones you need to construct all of them, that is.

A Firefox extension that gives you furigana and translations for kanji and Japanese words on websites as you hover over them.

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