Benki β†’ Bookmarks

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Elaborate explanations of concepts of the Japanese language. Also includes a chapter on Classical Japanese.


Configures GC settings for JVM use in containers and periodically calls a full GC so the JVM can give memory back to the OS.

Probably not much of a benefit over using Shenandoah with the compact profile, but what do I know?

Web sites are just as slow to load as they were a decade ago, even though Internet speeds have gone up substantially. Slow loading impairs usability greatly. Please make your web sites load fast.

Here is an observation: This website, MulkCMS 2/Benki, loads fast unless you are logged in as an editor. If you are logged in, it loads some JavaScript for the editing controls. Now, the editing controls are pretty small, but they are code that needs to be loaded and executed.

Don’t execute too much code, OK? Best to have none at all, but if you must, keep it to a minimum, please.

EdDSA, sealed classes, local records, and stable Shenandoah. Another release with nice new features.

Von der FAU unterstützt streikten rumÀnische Spargelstecher im Mai um die Zahlung ihres Lohns. Schân, daß es geklappt hat. Traurig, daß es nâtig war.

Ich habe solche Sorgen dort, wo ich arbeite, selbst in ausgemachten Wirtschaftskrisen wie der aktuellen nicht. Das ist ein Privileg, das nicht alle haben.

A website where people can upload writing exercises in foreign languages and have a native speaker correct them for them.

The existence of paywalled articles makes the world a worse place to live in. They do this by creating a desire to fulfill your curiosity with clickbaity titles and then asking for money to do so. If you are a blogger, please mark paywalled links and don’t join in on the clickbait.

And generally don’t post clickbait links without a summary of the content, please.

A TLS certification authority (CA) and OCSP responder in Java.

Can be used stand-alone or as a servlet.

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