Great as an educational resource for how containers work.
Encrypts the values of YAML, JSON, env files, and ini files with PGP and various cloud key management systems (such as Google KMS).
A Jakarta-EE-based microservice framework from Red Hat.
This site is written in it.
A Jakarta EE microservice container from IBM, succeeding WebSphere.
A Jakarta EE microservice framework from Oracle.
A Jakarta EE microservice framework.
Payara Server and Payara Micro Jakarta EE containers.
If your network equipment, such as your router, buffers too much data, it can lead to problems with the quality of your Internet connection under load.
A build plugin for Java web services that adds WADL generation from Javadoc comments and fully documented client libraries to JAX-RS and Spring web services, among others.
A database migration manager. Like Flyway but with more XML and therefore more Enterprise. Plus it infers diffs between your current schema and the managed schema, which is great if you use Hibernate.
Chez Scheme utility libraries.