Ein weiterer Statustracker fรผr Projekte der deutschen Bundesregierung, diesmal aus unabhรคngiger Quelle.
Ein Statustracker fรผr die Projekte der deutschen Bundesregierung.
Visual Studio Code extension for .NET-based polyglot Jupyter-style notebooks.
I use it with F# for its built-in support for decimal numbers and units of measure.
Based on .NET Interactive.
API for interactive polyglot programming in .NET.
An optic for representable functors (fixed-shape containers) that generalizes zipping.
Implemented in purescript-profunctor-lenses.
GNOME JavaScript (gjs) bindings for PureScript.
One type of program you can use this for is GNOME Shell extensions.
An introduction to functional programming using PureScript.
Client-side FRP (functional reactive programming) web application framework for PureScript based on Hyrule.
FRP (functional reactive programming) for PureScript. Events and behaviors, just as in the original Fran (functional reactive animation) paper.
A simple functional programming language that compiles to JavaScript.
Forked from Elm.
Shaders. Among them: a CRT shader suitable for not-so-powerful GPUs.
Reactive (non-FRP) UI library for Scala.js.
Elm-like UI library for Scala 3.
FRP (functional reactive programming) library for many languages.
An OCaml-derived, strongly typed JavaScript replacement. Forked from Reason.
How to learn and teach a subject (my own understanding, not 100% what the article says):
- Create a notebook and write down what you know.
- Create another notebook and write the same things down in a way that you can read it to a child and they can understand. Do this by actually reading it out loud. Take note of where you stumble.
- Open the first notebook again. Write down whatever you find you do not know or understand.
- Iterate.
Zod-based type-safe RPC between TypeScript clients and servers.
A data schema EDSL for TypeScript, integrated with the TypeScript type system including type inference.
A client-side web application framework for ClojureScript.
A reactive client-side web application framework for PureScript.