A free-as-in-beer web browser for iOS and Mac from the people behind the Kagi search engine. Privacy-centric and ad-blocking by default.
Not sure why you would use this on a desktop computer over Firefox, but on iOS I can see how it could be useful.
Scripts that claim to trim Windows down by removing features and misfeatures. Caution: I have not read or tested them.
A web search engine that promises efficiency, privacy, and user-centricity in exchange for a subscription fee.
High-fidelity image format with lossless recompression from JPEG. Supports both lossless and lossy compression.
hledger-related resources.
Plain-text accounting tool compatible with Ledger.
Plain-text accounting tool.
Resources related to Beancount, a plain-text double-entry accounting tool.
Double-entry accounting tool using plain text files.
A set of rules for how to write a change log.
A continuous-integration system. Compatible with Gerrit.
Scripts and configuration files to use GitLab CI with Gerrit.
Public-domain works, published as ebooks with attention to detail.
Check out the Sherlock Holmes series.
Resources related to Readium.
Free software and specifications to deal with publications based on EPUB.