Benki β†’ Bookmarks

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Official builds of OpenJ9, an alternate implementation of the JVM, from IBM.

While OpenJ9 is not OpenJDK, Semeru does use the OpenJDK class libraries.

A way to spin up ephemeral containers in a running Kubernetes pod that have access to the same process namespace as the running ones. Used to run debugging tools in production.

A bot that creates pull requests for project dependency updates. Supports multiple target languages.

A free-as-in-freedom RHEL derivative similar to what CentOS was before it was converted into the CentOS Stream rolling release distribution, called into life by the original founder of CentOS.

A CI-agnostic build and deployment pipeline definition tool. Works locally, too.

A container build tool that runs inside a container, requiring no additional privileges. Suitable for use inside a Kubernetes pod. Supports reproducible (timestamp-less) builds out of the box.

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