Benki โ†’ Bookmarks

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Low* is a language embedded in F* that can be used as an alternative to C for low-level programming, but inherits F*โ€™s proof and verification capabilities. By using Low* you can write low-level code and prove it correct, all in one language.

KaraMeL (nรฉe KreMLin) is the Low* compiler.

There is a research branch of Scala 3 that contains a feature called Capture Checking. Capture Checking is a way to track effects in a way that works well in imperative code.

Instead of relying on monadic composition the way other contemporary functional languages do, Scala 3 annotates variable types with capability sets, which define what effects and objects a value is allowed to access. It seems to be inspired by Borrow Checking in Rust and looks very similar.

Iโ€™ve long found it somewhat ironic that Scala was less safe than Java because it did away with checked exceptions. This finally gives it checked exceptions back.

The University of Helsinkiโ€™s introductory programming course. Unabridged and of fair repute. No prior programming knowledge required.

Stylesheets for web pages that look like old-school text-based user interfaces.

Polyglot Bazel-like reproducible and efficient build system for large code bases. Pants 2 recently regained support for Java and Scala. Also supports Python, Go, and shell scripts.

Nix expressions that make it easy to cross-compile static binaries for a variety of platforms (including Windows, macOS, and GNU/Linux on various CPU architectures).

Generates a web site by aggregating documentation written in AsciiDoc format from arbitrarily many Git repositories.

Eine Organisation, die in Deutschland Spenden annimmt und sie an gemeinnรผtzige Vereine (wie z.B. GiveDirectly) weiterleitet, die damit einen mรถglichst groรŸen Nutzen generieren. Sie orientieren sich dabei auch an Daten von GiveWell.

Fรผr Spenden bekommt man hier auch eine deutsche Spendenquittung.

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