There is a signal in the data that points towards environmental toxins as a cause for the Western-world-wide obesity epidemic.
I heard someone say this book is as good a place to start as any if you want to get into ancient Chinese philosophy.
Superficially a book about sports, but really a book about effective management.
Supplementary material to the Nix manual.
Nicolai Parlog on why it might not be a good idea to add certain features to Java.
Converts scripts into Mac application bundles.
A list of backup programs.
And another deduplicating backup system.
Another deduplicated backup store.
Efficient deduplicated backups.
A key derivation function based on scrypt with additional features, some optional, that make it even more expensive to compute.
Now used by Debian by default.
A Haskell-to-WebAssembly compiler. Presumably faster and produces smaller bundles than GHCJS, but not yet as compatible.
A simple web frontend framework for Haskell that condenses all the principles shared by JavaScript frontend frameworks down to their common core and abstracts it out.
No global update functions, no digest cycles, no FRP.
A JavaFX GUI testing library.
Some takeaways:
- Metaanalyses are very cool.
- Putting too much emphasis on costly large-scale randomized controlled trials gives an advantage to new and expensive drugs over established out-of-patent drugs.
- Ivermectin should be approved both as a treatment and as a preventative for COVID-19 (but see post #1099).
Summary: America (or rather, the American left) dominates European politics, of which there is little nowadays. The West as a whole is highly homogeneous and the lack of diversity in opinion is hurting progress and making Western democracy itself vulnerable to attacks by authoritarianism.
He is not impressed by the German version.
A JDK downloader and updater.
With the growing number of JDK distributions this looks like a useful thing to have.