Since the Chromium web browser does still not feature a built-in build update mechanism, and since Mac OS X lacks a comprehensive, high-quality package management system, users need to download and install Chromium updates manually at regular intervals. Even though there are both stand-alone applications and browser add-ons that try to help, most of them have seemed to be broken since the last time Google changed their build archive location.
Therefore, I have written a small Common Lisp program that downloads and unpacks the latest Chromium build for me. It's very simple and could easily be replaced by a Perl script, but it works well enough for me.
Note that the program naively unpacks the ZIP file into the /Applications
folder, which results in a separate chrome-mac
folder being created.
Source code follows.
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (dolist (module (list "drakma" "alexandria")) (ql:quickload module))) (defpackage #:mulk.update-chromium (:use #:common-lisp #:alexandria)) (in-package #:mulk.update-chromium) (defparameter *base-uri* "") (defparameter *os-subdir* "Mac") (defparameter *filename* "") (defparameter *target-dir* #p"/Applications/") (defun latest-version () (parse-integer (drakma:http-request (format nil "~A/~A/LAST_CHANGE" *base-uri* *os-subdir*)))) (defun file-uri (revision) (format nil "~A/~A/~A/~A" *base-uri* *os-subdir* revision *filename*)) (defun main () (let* ((revision (latest-version)) (uri (file-uri revision)) (file #p"/tmp/")) (format t "~&Latest revision: ~A" revision) (format t "~&Downloading.") (unwind-protect (progn (with-open-file (out file :direction :output :if-exists :supersede :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)) (write-sequence (drakma:http-request uri) out)) (format t "~&Extracting archive contents.") (sb-ext:run-program "/usr/bin/unzip" (list "-o" (namestring file) "-d" (namestring *target-dir*)) :wait t)) (delete-file file))))
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