
In the course of rewriting my website software, I've written a Common Lisp implementation of (most of) JSON Template.

JSON Template is a minimalistic, declarative template language.


You can fetch the Mercurial repository using the following command:

hg clone

(Mind the trailing slash. My web server is overly picky there.)

Implementation Features

  • No dependencies
  • Portable Common Lisp (tested on SBCL, Clozure CL, ECL, XCL, ABCL)
  • HTML and URI escaping through the use of formatters
  • Apache license

Missing Things

  • Literals (like {.space} and {.meta-left}/{.meta-right})
  • Multiple-argument formatters
  • Options (like changing the meta character or the default formatter)
  • Some kind of compilation for efficiency


JSON-TEMPLATE> (defparameter *tmpl* (parse-template-string "
{.section people}
{.repeated section @}
  <li>{name} ({age} years)</li>
<p>No one's registered.</p>
JSON-TEMPLATE> (expand-template *tmpl*
                                '(:title "<Registered People>"
                                  :people ((:name "Nathalie" :age 24)
                                           (:name "Heinrich" :age 28)
                                           (:name "Hans"     :age 25))))
<h1>&#60;Registered People&#62;</h1>
  <li>Nathalie (24 years)</li>
  <li>Heinrich (28 years)</li>
  <li>Hans (25 years)</li>
JSON-TEMPLATE> (expand-template *tmpl*
                                '(:title "<Registered People>"
                                  :people ()))
<h1>&#60;Registered People&#62;</h1>
<p>No one's registered.</p>